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Знакомства в горловке на kiss.dn.ua

Добавлен: 2008.07.13

Знакомства в горловке на kiss.dn.ua

Категории: Знакомства
Горловские знакомства


( 4 )Средняя оценка - 10   из 10 Добавить отзыв  

13 май 2016
Tell us about your cycle also Crantchy. I guess tr-3erend?&#82i0;wtll, anyway…great results far beond what everybody could achieve from steroids.Why would you assume steroids played a roll, that’s not cool. This took hart and a will to suceed with hard work. In this man has acomplished doesn’t come out a bottle. Why are you sitting in the showdowns like the rest around here being negative. Time to grow up around here. I’m getting tired of baby sitting grown men. This sight shouldn’t need a admin to monitor you guys.
07 сен 2013
We need a lot more insthgis like this!
27 дек 2009
познакомлюсь с девушкой от 18 до 20!!! тел 0999851624
06 ноя 2008
познакомлюсь с девушкой из горловки от18до22лет